Monday, August 28, 2017

SHORT DEVOTIONAL: The Power of Words

Words from our mouth are very powerful. It can either build up, transform or destroy.  In the words of the Apostle James (3:9-10), "with it (mouth) we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing."

In today's gospel, John the Baptist used his mouth to proclaim the kingdom and correct public sinners.  The latter caused him his very life.  Brothers and Sisters, let us imitate Saint John the Baptist's courageous act of using words appropriately.  If a brethren sinned, let us use proper words to correct him/her; because it is christian charity to bring back to the right path our wayward brethren.  If a brethren is depressed, let us use encouraging words to uplift his/her spirit because doing so pleases the heart of GOD.  On the other hand, let us not use our mouth to bring words of destruction.  If we are angry, let it pass before we speak, because we can no longer bring back harmful statements.

PRAYER: Lord JESUS CHRIST, teach us to be like You in all things. May we learn to use our mouth in giving You honor, praise and glory which You so much deserve. Allow us to use it, as well, to lead people closer to You. Amen. 

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