Saturday, March 7, 2020

Do not waste your energy in envy. God’s blessings are unique for each person.

When someone you know becomes fruitful and successful, be happy for them. Do not waste your energy envying the person, because doing so will only blind your eyes to the unique blessings God has given you. Envy kills. It will kill your relationship with God. It will also weaken your trust in God. Envying someone will make you a habitual complainer preventing you to see all the good in your life. It will also lessen your self-esteem. 

Envy is the devil’s work. It deceives you to think that God in unfair, that God plays favorites. But, no. God has never been unfair. God provides for each of us. We are all equal in His eyes. He died on the cross, not for the chosen race alone, BUT FOR ALL - you and me included. 

Let us ask the LORD to give us the grace to overcome the sin of envy. May we all learn to Trust in the providence of God.